Is the process really zero waste?
Yes! This is at the core of the Thermal Road Repairs (TRR) method. Our patented technology heats up the failed and failing material in and around a pothole or defect, mixes it with new materials if required and then re-compacts the area. Nothing is cut out and taken away.
Who carries out the pothole repairs?
Thermal Road Repairs (TRR) can provide a pothole repair unit and a three-person crew, or a unit can be hired from us, or a unit can be purchased. We have some customers who use a blend of those options. We provide training to whoever will be using a unit, whether that is a framework contractor or an in-house local authority team.
What type of road surface does the system work on?
The TRR system can be used to repair any asphalt surface layer or asphalt footpath. It can also be used to repair surface dressing and micro asphalt defects. Because it reheats and reuses material already in and around the pothole or defect, only a small amount of additional material is needed. The additional material can be to whatever specification the customer (and road) needs.
What depth of pothole can be fixed this way?
Although most potholes are between 40mm and 60mm deep, our technology has been proven to work to depths of up to 100mm deep. This is due to the design of the heating system and its controls.
What weather can the TRR system be used in?
Our technology has been successfully used to fix potholes in almost any weather conditions. If temperatures are lower, the heating time – which is automatically controlled – will be longer. Only very heavy rain stops play.
How long does it take to fix a pothole?
An average pothole takes 10 minutes to fix. This includes time to: heat up the failed and failing material; add new material and mix everything up with a rake or shovel; compact the area using a roller. As mentioned above, very cold conditions increase the heating time.
How many potholes can be fixed in an 8-hour shift?
On average, a TRR unit would fix 75 potholes over an 8-hour shift. This compares to an average 30 potholes using the traditional process.
How much does it cost to fix a pothole?
Generally, repairs conducted using TRR technology cost around half that of traditional methods.
How do you monitor production?
The TRR unit has an in-built app in the cab which can track the vehicle and monitor its operational effectiveness. It can also fault check within the system.
What happens if something goes wrong with the equipment?
Internet-of-Things (IOT) technology means that we can remotely monitor equipment and diagnose problems. Sometimes our technicians notice problems before our customers do, for instance if our heaters are not charging because their solar panels are in the shade.
How much carbon does your process produce?
0.4 tonnes in an 8-hour shift (compared to 2.4 tonnes for traditional methods).
Why does the TRR process produce so much less carbon than other methods?
There are several reasons: there is no waste material to remove and take off site; very little top-up material is needed, and it is carried in the one unit – along with everything else; solar energy is used to power the infrared heaters.
How noisy is the TRR process?
The noisiest part of our process is when the reheated and remixed asphalt is rolled and compacted. That produces 75dB, equivalent to a vacuum cleaner. Traditional methods are far noisier; at 125dB, jack hammer is noisier than a rock concert or a shot gun and goes far beyond the safe limits of 85dB. More information here.
What are the HAVS risks?
The risk of our process contributing to hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is very low since the only vibrating equipment used is the roller. This results in 2.5m/ s2 for around 10 minutes each hour. A traditional process would add in around 30 minutes of jack hammering at 26m/ s2. More information here .
How long will the repair last?
Because the asphalt around a pothole or defect is heated, it becomes sticky again and bonds with the remixed material in the hole. This means that when it cools down, there is no joint. Hence the repairs is ‘permanent’; it will last as long as the surrounding road.
Thermal Road Repairs is a green technology company which supplies systems to improve the quality, cost and time efficiency of road repairs and paving – at a far lower environmental cost than traditional methods. We invest significantly in R&D, to create new technologies and to continuously improve our existing ones.
High output. Low emission. Permanent solution.